People in Plastic News

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We sell to Australia Zoo!

We sell to Australia Zoo!

We are a ‪#‎proud‬ Australian Company, selling ‪#‎AustralianMade‬ products, to other Australian companies, even helping Australian animals like little‪#‎Lucy‬! Australia Zoo loves…..

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Check out our Jugs!

Check out our Jugs!

New coloured stock in our Sydney Showroom!
Aren’t these new tinted jug colours pretty?…

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Australian Open milk crate bar

Australian Open milk crate bar

We sold 1600 milk crates to the Tennis Australia for the Aussie Open 2016. There are so many creative ways to use milk crates... Bars, tables and chairs... How great do they look??!

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Microbin Organising

Microbin Organising

Trouble with organisation?? Let us help you out.

Tradies, craft lovers, and hardware stores love our microbins and panels!

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New Western Australia Branch!

New Western Australia Branch!

We now have an office running in Joondalup, Perth in Western Australia. If you are interested in business with our WA office, don’t hesitate…..

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