Member online shopping!
Are you an online member of our website? Join now and enjoy shopping online! Register as a...
Meet Carolynn & Anna!
Carolynn and Anna are our accounts team in our QLD office, and two friendly faces we love having around! Carolynn enjoys going to the gym, fine wine, and can’t wait for her European holiday in 2018. Anna is from Scotland and definitely brings a lot of Scottish...
Shoutout to Hampson Honey!
We love our loyal customers! We love hearing their stories, about their businesses, and we especially love helping them! #shoutout to Hampson Honey for their loyal business! They’ve got some delicious organic honey that we love! And they’re close by, just...
1600 milk crates to the Aussie Open!
Last year we sold 1600 milk crates to Tennis Australia for a bar and seating area… Crate inspiration for your business?? photo credit: Armelle Habib Photography
No minimum quantity purchase!
Did you know almost ALL our products are NO MINIMUM QUANTITY products!?? —That means you can buy as LITTLE or as MANY as your heart desires!—-
It’s OUR BIRTHDAY! —– We are 40 YEARS OLD!! In 1977, People in Plastic (formerly Malcolm Paul Sales) was founded in Brisbane. Since then, we have expanded our warehouses right across Australia, with warehouses in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, and now...Where are they now???
SEND US A PHOTO of how you use your plastic! The more UNIQUE… the BETTER!!
Fill in the Blank:
Fill in the blank.. Our / my favourite People in Plastic product is _____________________ . >>>>>Products to choose from<<<<<Can you see the difference?
Very few people can see it. How good is your eye??Need label ideas for your containers?
Want to brand your containers? Here’s some ideas from what some of our customers do… #hotstamp #stickers #hanginglabels #chalkpens
CUTE AS animals in plastic!
Animals in Plastic! HAHA! Share with us your pets funny moments in containers! We want to see them!
We’re Open again!
Start the New Year off well for your Business! Order your 2017 stock today!
From all of us at People in Plastic!
What’s your plans for New Years Eve?? We’ve got lots of exciting things planned for 2017! All states (except WA) re-open on the 3rd. WA customers can order through 1300 747 847 from the 3rd until re-opening on the 9th January.
Christmas leftovers / post christmas workout…
Still getting through the Christmas leftovers? We’re still working off our Christmas ham! #christmas #leftovers #postchristmas#holidayworkout #starjumps
That Post-Christmas feeling!
When you feel as fat as this gorilla! We’re still so full and can’t roll into the office just yet… Wait until the 3rd January 2017!
Merry Christmas!
#Merry #Christmas from the People in Plastic team! We hope your day is spent with loved ones… and it is filled with #joy, #peace, and #hope for the future ahead!12 Days of Plastic Video
It’s 12 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS! What do you need to order in the next 12 days?...
It’s December Already????
It’s #Christmas month! Time for last minute #shopping, holiday planning, and your December / January Plastic #orders!! p: 1300 747 847 e: sales@peopleinplastic.com.au w: www.peopleinplastic.com.au