Our Sydney Office!

Our Sydney Office!

Been to our Sydney Office?? Linda would love a visit! Stock up before the end of the week… We’re open til 3pm. 22 / 61 Pine Road, Yennora.
Pie Face riding around the country

Pie Face riding around the country

Pie Face are rolling around ‪#‎Australian‬ cities.. isn’t that face just Piefect! ‪#‎Peopleinplastic‬ happily supply ‪#‎crates‬ to Pie Face stores all over the country! We like to think we play a part in getting Aussie food into ‪#‎Aussie‬mouths all over!...


A controversial (we love it!) Giant Milk Crate sculpture to be installed in Sydney, read all about it… Australian Artist Takes To Facebook To Claim Sydney’s New Giant Milk Crate Sculpture Is A Clone Of His...